Sunday, December 7, 2008

8 Months

15.8 pounds

Height - ??? (I am already falling behind)

Well, C's 8 months flew by, really I think more the time between 6 and 8 months flew by.

The biggest event that happened in this time frame is Camryn learned to crawl and is learning what "NO" means. We never really had a need to tell her No previous to her becoming mobile. At least right now she listens to us, unless you tell her not to put something in her mouth. Then, she does not even let you remove the object from her mouth.

Also, Camryn went to the voting polls for the first time. I thought I remembered in the first election I voted in that they did not allow children in the polling booth. But then again that was in Illinois and awhile ago and I could be completely wrong.

I took my first "vacation" away from Camryn when I went to Chicago for a professional conference. Dad did great. I did not receive one phone call. Though Scott did ask me to write her schedule down because he did not know it. Cam was an angel for the 3 nights that I was gone. I enjoyed Chicago immensely and was able to catch up with some friends. I did miss Camryn; however, I enjoyed the limited responsibility that I had while away. I did not enjoy trying to pump at McCormick place (that is when I really wished I just had Camryn there).

I'm sure I'm forgetting a bunch of stuff but I think I will leave you with a couple of videos of C crawling. These are her early attempts she is much faster now.

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