Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Cold or Just Teething . . .

So Camryn was irritable most of the week, so not like her. In addition, she did not want to eat (though she always had room for her favorite puffs). Well on Saturday she decided to wake up with a temperature around 100. I gave her some Tylenol and it went away only to return 4 hours later but not as bad. The poor girl had a runny nose, watery eyes and when she first woke up a bark of a cough like a seal. For the first part of the morning she wanted to snuggle with mom. It was difficult to accomplish anything on Saturday due to her constant want to be held. We felt so bad for her because she would not/could not take a nap for very long and her little eyes would turn purple. She did not even enjoy her bath Saturday night. We made it through Saturday.

She slept through the night until 4:00 am Sunday. At least her fever was gone; but, she was still irritable. Her appetite had improved and she enjoyed eating a little breakfast, lunch and finally dinner. Still, she did not nap well and her little eyes were purple again. Her nose still ran and her eyes still watered but not as much.

I do have to say through it all she never gave up saying "da, da, da" or crawling, or pulling to stand (especially at Mom's legs so she could be picked up). I hope that she does not get all four of her teeth at once. I hope she has her teeth in by Christmas so that I can enjoy my break. (Also, I can't wait until her teeth pop through so she can finally start eating some more real food!)

This is Camryn by Sunday night. She is such a ham for the camera. She was crying just before I took this picture.

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