Sunday, December 7, 2008


Oh what a wonderful holiday. We spent Thanksgiving with my side of the family because we left for a mini vacation the next day with Scott's family.

My Grandpa raised turkeys from chicks all the way to the plucked bird that ended up being smoked. It was probably the best turkey I have ever had. As you can see Camryn enjoyed it as well (no she is not eating table food yet). I think Grandpa said it was a 40 pound turkey he cooked.
In addition, Camryn met Devon, my cousin Rachelle's baby boy who was born 3 weeks prior to C. Poor Devon was tired after a long day and Camryn decided to be a big bully. It is amazing to see what a difference 3 weeks makes in development. Devon babbled a ton compared to Camryn (she just says "aaaahhh" in varying pitches at this point).

1 comment:

Heather said...

Tricia, your blog is great, too! I can't get over that picture with the turkey leg... too funny! Camryn is adorable, by the way! Great to hear from you.