Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Little Big Break

This is how our Good Friday started off. A trip to Warren Township Park in Gurnee (5 minutes from my Mom and Dad's). Cam was having fun playing with Samantha, Trace a couple of their friends and Mom and Dad. This picture is from the happy times. We had one successful slide with Dad and a not so hot one with mom.
From Owie
My slide ride with Cam resulted in a spiral fracture of her left tibia. Did we think anything was wrong on Friday. No, Scott and I thought maybe her leg was over extended so we let her sleep on it. Saturday she woke up at 4:30 in the morning with a high fever and did not want to stand on her left leg at all. She went back to bed with Mom and woke up around 8:30. We were to the ER by 9 am. She indeed have a temp of 102. They wanted to run a lot of unnecessary tests such as a chest x-ray, pulse rate, etc. We declined the chest x-ray and after 2 1/2 hours in the ER a X-ray of her leg was taken. I couldn't be in the room due to the pregnancy but her and dad were champs.
From Owie
We left with this lovely temporary cast. Her leg was wrapped in gauze and then a piece of fiberglass board was placed behind it to help support it and finally wrapped in an ace bandage.

From Owie

She soldiered on through Easter and even completed Donna and Bruce's Easter Egg hunt with the help of mom. By the end of the day on Easter she was pretty comfortable in her butt scoot as a mode of transportation.
From Owie
On Monday we went to the local orthopedic and received a nice hot pink cast. If I were a little less concerned about her maybe we would have chosen Cubby colors in honor of opening day but that was definitely an after thought.
From Owie
I am pretty sure that the cast adds 10 pounds. At least my arms will be stronger. The plan is to return to the orthopedist on April 26 and hopefully transfer to a walking cast.