Sunday, July 12, 2009

Family Reunion

At the end of June we celebrated with the Hummell family reunion on Grandma Linda's side. I forget if it was 8 or 10 Hummell children the remaining 6 are photographed above. It was amazing how far people came out in the hot weather to enjoy the extended family and family they didn't know they had.
It made me realize that it is harder than ever to convey the sense of family that I know to Camryn. Most of my memories of being little include packing in the car on a weekend and or weeknight and driving to see some aunt/uncle, cousin or grandparent. Now we do visit family when we can but it is usually just the grandparents and they are scheduled not the "Let's see if Aunt Lori or Aunt Audrey are home and stop by." Stop by we did and if they weren't home it wasn't a big deal. Lives are so scheduled now. My social calendar is full until September and that is even filling out (I guess that speaks to the quality of our family and friends).

I didn't take too many pictures because I actually wanted to enjoy the event. As you can tell by the beer in my hand.
Camryn was able to go swimming in an actual pool for only the 2nd time in her life and eventually didn't want to get out. It did take a little convincing at first.
Then she continued feeding her love of rocks. Picking them up, throwing them, eating them . . .
And I guess that extended to water balloons as well . . .
This is what we were left with at 7:30 pm. No dinner and out like a light. I wish I could say she slept all morning as well but I'm pretty sure we were up by 5:30


Anonymous said...

That is an adorable last picture of Camryn!!


Nina said...

Love the pics! Cam is turning into such a little girl! How was your trip to see your dad? Hope all was good and you enjoyed the visit!