Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Scott, Camryn and I visited a local pumpkin patch with our friends, Alice and Micah. We went the weekend before Halloween and it was pretty much picked over already. Also, we discovered buying pumpkins from any grocery store was less expensive than buying a pumpkin at the pumpkin patch. That is just going to make it more difficult to convince Scott to go again next year. maybe not.

Thanks to the navigating expertise of our friend, Micah, we were able to find our way through a complicated maze pictured to be a barn and tractor. We were rewarded with pie pumpkins. Of which they still need to be made into pumpkin baby food for Camryn.

Camryn did enjoy the large pumpkins and the tractor ride out to the patch. She managed to sleep most of the time through the maze (I'm assuming from the off-roading that was occurring in her stroller). I'm not exactly sure how long it took us to navigate it but I'm thinking around and hour/hour and a half. However long we were there we managed to miss most of the Bears' Game.

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