Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tupperware Tower . . . or Rubbermaid

Really for the amount of time Camryn spends in my container drawer I should just remove most of her other toys (with the exception of anything related to Baby more on that in a later post). Cam enjoys removing most of the bowls and then searching for the matching lids. She did this when she was home with dad so I am not exactly sure of the sequence but Scott swears he didn't help her at all.
Of course once all the lids are on we then have to make a tower that goes "up, up, up." After we think she exhausted all resources she will use all of her communication effort (sign and verbalization for emphasis) to request "more, more, more." Cam feels the more fervently she bangs her hands together and louder she says "more," at the same time, there is an increased chance she may actually receive what she wants.
I think we may call this one the leaning tower of Pisa.

On a side note I wish these were tupperware instead of rubbermaid. I enjoy the clear nature of my rubbermaid but the lids do not fit snug tight. I should write rubbermaid a letter in all my free time.

(And yes in case you were wondering she is wearing green bay packer pants. Those are her pants that we keep at daycare for accidents. Thank goodness accidents don't happen that often.)

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