Sunday, March 22, 2009

Party part 3- Cake

With the help of my co-worker, Jean, I made Camryn's cake and birthday cupcakes from scratch. Her block cake was a lot easier to make than I thought and I made a banana cake since she loves her bananas. Jean helped make all of the chocolate cupcakes from scratch not to mention two batches of whipped cream frosting. (Incorrectly, I decided the whip cream was not whipped enough and then it turned into over whipped cream, still tasty).

The blocks were made with butter cream frosting and boy could Camryn tell. She picked at the butter cream. Although, she tried one balloon and must have determined that they were too sweet because she picked off the remaining three balloons and handed them to me. I don't think she ever actually ate the cake but Scott and I tried it the next day and it was quite good. I won't go into the color of her bowel movement the next day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

she is soooo adorable and clearly has grown a TON since I last saw her over Labor Day! Well, it looks like her birthday party was a success. So Fun!!- Karen